Thursday, 10 March 2011


I'm so bored today. It's so boring that it's actually killing. LITERALLY... IT'S KILLING ME SOFTLY. Anywayyyy.... so i started to dump the stupid boring facebook that still got me to open it a lot in a day even tho it gets really boring and did a little research on google. So i was in the middle of browsing and something caught my attention today. MASQUERADE... It's not the party that interests me. It's actually the mask. I'm amazed at how pretty and stunning some of the masks are.
The delicate little detail and the lines and everything about it. It's so beautiful and amazing i'm just amazed by it. It makes me feel like wearing one to a masquerade party. Here's an idea! LIGHTBULB... Let's he;d a masquerade party. You and me go masquerading.... HAHAHAHA... Nahhh.. Not gonna happen. At least, i don't think sooo.... X)

Thursday, 3 March 2011


Who ever thought that this 9 letter word could make me so happy and hype in the middle of nowhere. So yeah i had my interview a week and 2 days back and i finally got a confirmation from them today. I was so happy i couldn't believe it at first then i started to hum and smile to myself (yeah thats what i do when i'm happy). So i would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported me. My family, friends, chefs, lecturers and EVRYONE! i really really appreciate it. Couldn't have done it without YOU! I LOVE YOU PEOPLE! <3.

Too bad my dream didn't came true though! If you read my 2 previous blog post. Yeahh... Turns out only me, sayaka and damien are accepted. Not rick! Oh booo... what a shame~ If we all could be accepted it would be so much FUN! A big happy family~ Lalalala....

Yeahhh.. but still i guess fate decides? Who knows for sure right? Hahaha... So now as a good friend, (like i always am) i will pray for him! Keep my finger's crossed! Wut wut. LOL. Help me out also people! :D