Monday, 30 May 2011


Today is 30 May 2011. Guess what is special about today? It's casiphia's Birthday!

I would like to say happy birthday to my dearest most beloved laptop. <3
I love you muchh.... I couldn't imagine life without you! I know how we may not agree at things sometimes. And how i would get annoyed at you for hang-ing on me. But i want you to know that it doesn't matter. I still love you. I DO. So thank you for accompanying me for a whole year now. I look forward to be by your side for the many years to come! XOXO, Sally. <3

*awww... she's blushing* LOL. <------- i'm insane. yes.

Friday, 27 May 2011

People i hate

You know what. Today i am going to talk about the people that i hate! Well not exactly HATE HATE. No, not that way. Its just the type of people that annoys me and i just can't stand them! THOSE BUGGERS.

1. I hate the type of people that only look for someone when in need. If not, you will never hear from them.

2. Hate people who walks soooo slow when you are in a rush. Slow is fine, just don't block the way!!! LET OTHERS PASS!!!!

3. I hate it how when you are walking on a crowded street, a random stranger that is walking behind you just pushes you just like that.

4. You know when you sit on the train or whatever where you sit by with strangers. And these group of people just come and squeeze in to sit even though there's no space that the people who were sitting just HAVE TO stand up and give up their seats. Bugger la these people i tell you. CKCKCKCK....

5. Oh and i also hate people who just walks quickly and all of a sudden stop with no signs or whatever.

The thing that i don't get is how do they NOT feel guilty about it. Admire them i tell you!

Fire Drill

Today is friday~ friday gotta get down on friday. LOL. NO... THAT WAS SO WRONG~~

Anywayyyy.... today le meridien had a fire drill rehearsal. It was kinda fun actually. When the drill rings everyone went down. Some forgot that they were not suppose to use the lift. Some are smart. They took the lift to P1 and then took the stairs to P3 (so they look like they are innocent) LOL.

Anyway all the staffs were down there from chefs, to stewarding, front office, housekeeping. EVERYTHING! well not everyone though, some people decided to stay in the kitchen and continue their work i guess they were really busy. Hahahaha.....

LOL. the funniest thing is that all the sous chef were wearing the bright constructor jacket thingy. Not sure what its' called. There... down there~

Anyway its kinda fun tho, cause it kinda reminds me of my old school, SIS. Where we would like have this fire drills during classes. Sometimes even during our exams. Would you just imagine that! LOL

Thursday, 26 May 2011


Hallow there fellas~
Its been 10 months and 12 days since i came to Malaysia to came and study at Taylor's University. Shine with Taylor's! I'm proud to be a taylorian. LOL. Anywayyy, back to the topic.

Before i came to Malaysia. My facebook friends was only 300 something. Then today my friends had increased to 600 sumthin. Which i am quite pleased of actually. This means that i had made 300 new friends within a period of 10 months and 12 days! I'm amazed. Hahaha... Here's to being friends and making new ones! CHEERS! LOVE ALWAYS, SALLY. <3

P.S. I couldnt think of a topic but felt like blogging. Hahaha~~~

Monday, 23 May 2011

Last Day/ First Day

Let's see now... So many things i want to talk about....
Well yesterday was my last day in Favola. SO the people there keep on saying gonna throw stuffs and everything weird at me at the end of the day. Bugger la this people. LOL. Then at the end of my shift. Joon started the war. I was texting then he suddenly throw flour at me. I'm like you're lucky it didnt kena my phone. IF NOTTTTT... you're gonna die KDU!!!!

Anywayyyy... they were making this really really disgusting pizza dough. Who would knew what they put inside it. I told them i am willing to sacrifice myself as long as they don't throw anything liquid cause i didn't brought a spare clothes. They agreed but then knowing themm... I DON'T THINK SOOO!!! Luckily they all suddenly dissapear and i took my chance and escaped. Who knew what could have happened to me! THE HORROR!!!!

But then since i escaped i didnt took any pictures with them... SOBSSSS

And today is my first day in Prime (steakhouse). Well so far so good and there's no story yet. Hehehe.... I'll story y'all when i can think of something. The thing that bugs me is that i will kena split in prime. SIGHHHH....

One thing i know is that favola and prime not much difference. I plucked parsley, i cut bread, made some sort of dip/condiment for bread and i sliced mushrooms. =="

Oh and the knife is super sharpppp... i accidentally cut a small portion of my nail. LOL

Saturday, 21 May 2011


SHIT! I've been drinking bubble tea for three consecutive days. This is not good.. But i can't help it! I am freaking addicted to it. First i had the bubble tea at Sungei Wang called "coolblog". I had the original hong kong milk tea.

Then i had another one in times square. Not really sure what it is called. But i do know the bubble taste freaking awesome!!!

Then today i had a bubble tea from sukimye! It's a restaurant well not really considered as restaurant but something like dat and its located just outside of Taylor's. I gotta tell you i love their bubble tea wei... It taste freaking awesome. Somore i was drinking it on a hot summer day, SOOO REFRESHING. Yum yum yum. I loveeee bubble!

Now i feel like drinking one from sweet talk. Too bad they don't have it in malaysia. It's in singapore!!! SOOO Sadd....
Now that i think of it actually i've been addicted to bubble tea since i was young, in my primary school days, i used to drink it too from this shop called pearl terrace but its only in Indonesia. LOL

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


I know2. It's been weeks since i last updated. LOL. But there's nothing much to say...
I am now in favola. An italian kitchen. And in italy, favola means fairytale.

I'm in the pasta and pizza kitchen. And this will be my last week there. I only have two weeks in favola. Kinda sad though. I am getting used to it and everyone in it. I love the kitchen, the staff, the food, the environment and everything. The fact that i have to go so soon just kills me! x(

So anyway for the past 1 week and 3 days, i had learn how to make pizza and lots of pastas. I can cook my own italian food now! No need to go to italian restaurant no more. I've been slicing mushrooms, slicing garling, chopping garlic, onion, parsley, grating cheese, preparing dip and so much more. Don't get me wrong. It's fun. I just love it.

Today and yesterday i went to cold kitchen, banquet kitchen, prime and latest recipe too many times to steal a.k.a take ingredients from them. They until know my name wor. When i come in they were like "yes sally. what do you want to take this time? come here everyday. two three times a day some more" i cannot say anything i just laugh. LOL. but it's true la.. joon and tariq and chef and everyone just keep askin
me to take from others la. Mostly joon! Tsk-tsk... <------- (KDU)

This is the wall of masquerades

And this is the crudo bar, also known as the cold kitchen

This is the wine store

Inside the restaurant

Another view of the restaurant

Favola'S uniform for trainees

Squid Ink Risotto

One of the many pizzas of favola~