Sunday 4 September 2011

History in the making

Never before in the history of my life (so far) has i got a wrong flight. It was the raya holidays for the past week and i went back to Medan. So today was suppose to be my flight back and guess what? I came to the airport at 9am cause my flight is at 10.10

So there i was queuing patiently at the counter waiting for my turn. When it is my turn, the lady was like "i'm sorry, your check in is not open yet. come back 2 hours before your flight." so i was like duhhhh.... it is 9. and my flight is 10. then she checked and checked. Guess wad? It just so happens the flight is 10. 10 PM that is. I was like whattttttttttttt???? are you sure??? really really sure? n she said yea.

Dad won't let me take the flight cause it'll be dangerous, so instead he bought another ticket for tomorrow. So im gonna miss one class. So funneh~ Isn't it funny? Hilarious eh????
-_____- Oh well, get rid of bad luck there.

So in the end i stoned at home today when i should be in Malaysia already. But i did baked again today. LOL. Just finished making banana bread not long ago. Haha~
Wanna tryyy???? :p

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