Wednesday 30 November 2011

Leave NO Regrets!

For the past couple of months or so i have been miserable. Like terribly. Something happened which i don't want to shout out loud. But anyway, i tried and tried to cope with it everyday. But as the days pass by, i just don't seem to feel better. Not even the slightest thing would help.

So finally i gathered myself together and found courage to finally ask for an answer. A simple explanation to whatever had happened. And just like that. I felt so much better. Like literally all the pressure and burden disappeared. So yeah, i'm glad for doing what i did. And one day i would feel proud of myself for letting the past go. It shall not haunt me anymore =]

Otherwise in the future when i am sitting down thinking...... i would feel all sad and it would make me regret for not doing what i should do. Point is, life is short and you only get to live it once. You can't go back to the past and change how things are. You only got one shot at your life so make sure you live it right. Don't let what others say make you change the way you are. You are who you are, you were born unique! Don't join the crowd. Stand out!

Monday 7 November 2011

Lemon Meringue Pie

I found an interesting thing a few weeks back. All these while i've been wanting to learn the recipe of key lime pie. But i found one that is just as good. I learnt it from E&O Hotel during my training. 27September- 17 December. Yeah... so anyway.. chef asked me to do the pie all by myself from scratch to finished. I asked how to do it and get to work straight away. When i was done making the lemon meringue chef was like "woah. u got take any pastry class before or not? i see your pastry skills not bad!" i was like why thank youuu... Haha..

Basically we take the mini quiche line with chocolate, fill with the lemon filling and pipe the meringue~ Then burn the meringue.

And that's the whole result of what i made. Good eh?? Pro rite? LOL

Saturday 5 November 2011


Aihhh... Such a bummer. I hate myself for always being so careless and not being careful at what i do. While i was doing my training in pastry. I got a LOT of oven burns. Which actually sucks BIG TIME. Why you ask? Well one i'm a girl, it's permanent, it's HUGE, it's ugly, it makes me look suicidal, there are a few of it. Like =="""" much.

So yeah i have 3 marks on my left. And 1 on my right. Hopefully i will be more careful next time. Otherwise i would be SOOO DEPRESSED about it. Yeahhh....