Monday 7 November 2011

Lemon Meringue Pie

I found an interesting thing a few weeks back. All these while i've been wanting to learn the recipe of key lime pie. But i found one that is just as good. I learnt it from E&O Hotel during my training. 27September- 17 December. Yeah... so anyway.. chef asked me to do the pie all by myself from scratch to finished. I asked how to do it and get to work straight away. When i was done making the lemon meringue chef was like "woah. u got take any pastry class before or not? i see your pastry skills not bad!" i was like why thank youuu... Haha..

Basically we take the mini quiche line with chocolate, fill with the lemon filling and pipe the meringue~ Then burn the meringue.

And that's the whole result of what i made. Good eh?? Pro rite? LOL

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