Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Season's Greetings!!!

You might be wondering why i updated my blog design. Well one answer, i want it to look christmas-sy. Cause i'm definitely feeling christmas right now. Spread the joy n love! Well, christmas is comin and i just can't wait for it! I do wish for a white christmas! LOLS. After christmas comes new year. Have you ever wondered why these two dates come so close together? That makes December such a BIG month. Don't you think? Hahaha... I know i'm crazy. This holiday mood is drivinggg me craazy. LOLS. Well i don't blame me, cause i'm not alone, many of my friends are feeling the same. But it's kinda a bummer, cause with all these holiday mood around, makes it hard to study for my finals. Urghh, i don't even wanna think about it YET. But i have to, it starts friday! -.- Gotta start studyin. Anyways, wish me all d best for my finals kayss.... Thanks! Oh and have yourself a merry little christmas and new year!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Chirstmas and Happy New Year,hope to see you soon! LOL!
