Thursday 17 February 2011


Well a few weeks back.... I found out the ITS of taylor's is now re-open. So i open the website and log in immediately. Guess what! To my surprise... I'm going to be called on the 23rd for a interview!!!! yay meee.... LOLS.... so happy. Anyway rick, sayaka and damien are also called for the interview. So yeahhh... we could either be friends or enemies... (FRENEMIES).

But i had a dream last night that Sayaka, Rick n myself got accepted for it. Well i felt bad for damien cause he was not in my dream... But you can't blame mee.... I have no control on my dreams okayy... Unless someone who has some kind of revenge on damien came and hijacked my dream which would be totally freaky! HAHAHAHA...... But yeahh... this could be some kind of sign that maybe... just maybe we will get accepted. (I HOPE SO!)

SO yeah fellas... wish me luck for the interview andddd hope that i get accepted okayyy???? It means a lot to me!!! XDXD. Peace out! ^^v

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