Wednesday 23 February 2011

Interview Day~

Sooo.... today's wednesday... 23rd of February. Yeahhhh.... It's the day of my interview at Le Meridien i was like "GULP" this is scaryyy but interesting at the same time... So yeah, since i requested to work in the kitchen more (especially pastry), i got interviewed by the executive chef there himself. He's Chef Antoine Rodriguez. Nice guy. He looks very kind,happy, and wise. That's him right there on top.

So yeah, it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. I just gave him all the best answers i have and yeahh, he was funny too, kept laughing and smiling. So yeah... At the end of the interview, before leaving i was doubting whether i should shake his hand or not (professionalism) i think he read my mind and he gave me his hand,so i shake it in the end. LOL. Yeah,wouldnt wash me hand now. Well actually i already did. (LAME RITE?) Plus i said to him, i hope i would see you again and he was like "Yes, you would." But yeahh, that's what he said to everyone else. Hahaha... STILL... i must think positive! ACCEPTED ACCEPTED! :D

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