Thursday 3 March 2011


Who ever thought that this 9 letter word could make me so happy and hype in the middle of nowhere. So yeah i had my interview a week and 2 days back and i finally got a confirmation from them today. I was so happy i couldn't believe it at first then i started to hum and smile to myself (yeah thats what i do when i'm happy). So i would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported me. My family, friends, chefs, lecturers and EVRYONE! i really really appreciate it. Couldn't have done it without YOU! I LOVE YOU PEOPLE! <3.

Too bad my dream didn't came true though! If you read my 2 previous blog post. Yeahh... Turns out only me, sayaka and damien are accepted. Not rick! Oh booo... what a shame~ If we all could be accepted it would be so much FUN! A big happy family~ Lalalala....

Yeahhh.. but still i guess fate decides? Who knows for sure right? Hahaha... So now as a good friend, (like i always am) i will pray for him! Keep my finger's crossed! Wut wut. LOL. Help me out also people! :D

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