Wednesday 14 December 2011

Christmas Spirit! :D

Heyllo there people~ How are you all doing on this fine day? I haven't updated recently cause there wasn't really much to tell. Life's been boring. Like seriously. But on the bright side! Tomorrow's my last day of working in Eastern & Oriental Hotel. After 3 months here i'm finally ending tomorrow! Wheee~~~ Can't wait.

For some specific reason which i do not know of, im so excited to end my training. I can't wait to go back home to Medan. And then singapore for the new year. Gosh i haven't been to singapore in ages. I wonder whyyy...... But anyway, i'm psyched for 2012. I have a feeling that it's gonna be a good year. I feel that something good is gonna happen. I just feeeel it!!!! Teehee~~

I even got a whole list of things i wanna bake this coming holiday~ Christmas theme!!!

First of i wanna bake a log cake. I tried to make it last year but it failed (twice)! I don't care i'm gonna make it again this year.

Then i'm gonna practise making my macaroons.

OOOOO!!! Another thing i wanna make is the croquembouche! Well at least i'm gonna try. Teehee~ So stay tuned! When i bake it, i'll post it up in my other blog! Tchao's people! Get your christmas spirit on~~ Happy holidays!!!! :D

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