Friday 27 May 2011

Fire Drill

Today is friday~ friday gotta get down on friday. LOL. NO... THAT WAS SO WRONG~~

Anywayyyy.... today le meridien had a fire drill rehearsal. It was kinda fun actually. When the drill rings everyone went down. Some forgot that they were not suppose to use the lift. Some are smart. They took the lift to P1 and then took the stairs to P3 (so they look like they are innocent) LOL.

Anyway all the staffs were down there from chefs, to stewarding, front office, housekeeping. EVERYTHING! well not everyone though, some people decided to stay in the kitchen and continue their work i guess they were really busy. Hahahaha.....

LOL. the funniest thing is that all the sous chef were wearing the bright constructor jacket thingy. Not sure what its' called. There... down there~

Anyway its kinda fun tho, cause it kinda reminds me of my old school, SIS. Where we would like have this fire drills during classes. Sometimes even during our exams. Would you just imagine that! LOL

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