Wednesday 11 May 2011


I know2. It's been weeks since i last updated. LOL. But there's nothing much to say...
I am now in favola. An italian kitchen. And in italy, favola means fairytale.

I'm in the pasta and pizza kitchen. And this will be my last week there. I only have two weeks in favola. Kinda sad though. I am getting used to it and everyone in it. I love the kitchen, the staff, the food, the environment and everything. The fact that i have to go so soon just kills me! x(

So anyway for the past 1 week and 3 days, i had learn how to make pizza and lots of pastas. I can cook my own italian food now! No need to go to italian restaurant no more. I've been slicing mushrooms, slicing garling, chopping garlic, onion, parsley, grating cheese, preparing dip and so much more. Don't get me wrong. It's fun. I just love it.

Today and yesterday i went to cold kitchen, banquet kitchen, prime and latest recipe too many times to steal a.k.a take ingredients from them. They until know my name wor. When i come in they were like "yes sally. what do you want to take this time? come here everyday. two three times a day some more" i cannot say anything i just laugh. LOL. but it's true la.. joon and tariq and chef and everyone just keep askin
me to take from others la. Mostly joon! Tsk-tsk... <------- (KDU)

This is the wall of masquerades

And this is the crudo bar, also known as the cold kitchen

This is the wine store

Inside the restaurant

Another view of the restaurant

Favola'S uniform for trainees

Squid Ink Risotto

One of the many pizzas of favola~

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