Monday 23 May 2011

Last Day/ First Day

Let's see now... So many things i want to talk about....
Well yesterday was my last day in Favola. SO the people there keep on saying gonna throw stuffs and everything weird at me at the end of the day. Bugger la this people. LOL. Then at the end of my shift. Joon started the war. I was texting then he suddenly throw flour at me. I'm like you're lucky it didnt kena my phone. IF NOTTTTT... you're gonna die KDU!!!!

Anywayyyy... they were making this really really disgusting pizza dough. Who would knew what they put inside it. I told them i am willing to sacrifice myself as long as they don't throw anything liquid cause i didn't brought a spare clothes. They agreed but then knowing themm... I DON'T THINK SOOO!!! Luckily they all suddenly dissapear and i took my chance and escaped. Who knew what could have happened to me! THE HORROR!!!!

But then since i escaped i didnt took any pictures with them... SOBSSSS

And today is my first day in Prime (steakhouse). Well so far so good and there's no story yet. Hehehe.... I'll story y'all when i can think of something. The thing that bugs me is that i will kena split in prime. SIGHHHH....

One thing i know is that favola and prime not much difference. I plucked parsley, i cut bread, made some sort of dip/condiment for bread and i sliced mushrooms. =="

Oh and the knife is super sharpppp... i accidentally cut a small portion of my nail. LOL

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