Saturday 30 April 2011


Today was my last day in the pastry/bakery kitchen. Kinda sad to leave the kitchen eh.. I was getting used to the idea of getting free croissants and Danish pastry for breakfast. Sighhh…. Nooo that is not the only reason to why I am sad, if that’s what you are thinking. LOL. I will miss making lots and lots of pastries everyday. Hehehe…. So quick rite? Its been a month! A MONTH I tell you… It felt like it’s only been 2 weeks, 3 max! And not too long after, you’ll hear me say it’s the end of internship! Goodness me!

Anyway I asked the chef who is below of the head pastry chef (confusing eh?). I asked him “Chef. Honestly, how do you think I had been for the past 4 weeks?? Am I good or am I lacking something?” Here’s what he answered “You actually lack information, you still need to learn a lot about cakes and patries BUT considering that you are still in training, you are considered good. You have the initiative and interest, you show enthusiasm, you don’t mind staying back to do more stuffs and that is good. Cause it benefits you, so it’s a win-win. Don’t care what others would say you are stupid or something you did is wrong, you are here to LEARN. They can’t expect you to do it perfectly cause you are still in a learning process. But one thing you should do is speed up. Other than that I have no problem with you. Keep it up! And good luck in the next department!”

Hearing that I am touched you know. I’m like whoa this guy so high of a rank but he so damn humble right. He knows that nobody is perfect and yeah we are still trainees, you shouldn’t compare our work to those permanent workers who has years and years of experience!

So I would like to thank chef Tarzini who inspire me to be better and yeah just show intiative! Thanks chef! May you have a great path along your way!

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