Friday 22 April 2011


Today my Chef gave me a really really delish cake…. He said you try. I’m sure you’ll like it. At first I was like how are you so sure? Then after took the first bite I was like whoaaa…. Me likey! Hahaha… Lovin it really. It’s a chocolate sponge cake with chocolate mousse on top. So there’s a soft base with a layer of mousse that melts in your mouth and also with a layer of something crispy which I had no idea what it was.. But it was really good. It was somewhat similar to the one I had at canele, spore.

This is the one at Singapore (Canele)

Now that I think of it. IT DOES look the same…. But without the orange powder thingy and macaron. Muahaha… feel so happy…. And satisfied… and fat. Haishhh… If this goes on I’m gonna gain weight le! ==” NO NO NO NO!!!!! T_____T

And this is the one that I had at meridien
(sorry I took a bite! LOL)

I’m in bakery now but he asked me whether or not I wanna stay tomorrow. He’s makin apple crumble. I was like yesss!!! Of course. Hahaha…. Sooo hopefully tomorrow would be a good day~ Dam dim dum…. <3

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