Wednesday 27 April 2011

I Failed!

A few days back.... Chef asked me to make some kind of danish pastry but with chocolate inside. Then i was like. Oh okay... sure!

Then i need to cut the dough straightly with the roller cutter. I told him you know.. i said i cannot cut straight wor. Then he was like it's okay... just try.. and so i did. Finish cutting ady, i waas like shit. That is not STRAIGHT AT ALL. Then he said it's fine, it's gonna be covered also, no worries. Then after finished that, he said u now need to cut it small into portions. 6cm each using the roller cutter again. He said this time MUST STRAIGHT. If not sure die. I'm like eehh???? do u really have to say that??? Then cut cut halfway he noticed he was like "ehh?? Are you sure this is 6cm? It looks kinda short for 6cm." Then i told him "no. i'm not sure at all. Then he measured it. It was only 5.5cm like dat i was like "crapp.. i'm screwed"
then he was like talking to himself, mumbling and everything, he tried to save it but it just can't be saved. Next thing i know he pulled the garbage and dump it inside. I was like "NOOOOOOOO.................. What a waste!" then i started to feel so guilty u know..

Imagine the whole dough gone to waste just because i cut it too short. I feel damn guilty that day. But then i think he's not mad la... just a bit dissapointed i guess? But yeahhh... still i know he's a bit pissed off la~ i mean who wouldn't right?

Anyway this is how the thing should look like

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