Friday 22 April 2011

Day b4 Easter

I am disappointed today!!!!! The chef made the apple crumble by himself already. Then he was like kidding la, haven’t made it. Then later he said made already. I’m like which one’s which la??? ==”

Then in the end he showed me. Here. I made ady. I’m like you meaniee… I told you already wait for me!!! So mean….

Anyway my shift was sppose to end at 6 today. But then at like 5 my baker chef told me nothing else to do…. Go help out pastry la~ I’m like okayyyyy…. LOL
I made out mini cupcakes (again) then when I finished it was 6.15 like dat. I asked him, not making anything else a?? Then he told me make carrot cake (I made b4). I told him if I don’t have to grate the carrot I don’t mind. But then he was like ehhhhh then go home la you. Shoo2.

On the way back to locker room I remember “shit. Aka lost her key, cannot open the locker.” So I need to climb up to go find her. She still got stuff to do somemore. But then after thinkinggg… I was like oh what thell. I got nothing to do at home also, so I helped her out on her so-called-chores. LOL. I grated the cheese. It wasn’t as bad as she described it, but the cheese gets heavier by time to time. LOLS….

When we finally finish everything we went to midvalley! TEEHEE… Go makan at Nam Heong A.K.A Esquire Kitchen. Damn full, stupid waiter la. We asked how big is the soup? He said small…. Just nice for two person. Then when the soup came we were like this can feed 4-5 mouths. Hahaha…… But anyway had a good time la~ It’s not such a bad thing that aka lost her key. If not also I hardly see her. Hahaha… So thank q for being careless aka~


  1. Haha... this is my nightmare too when i hav my 1st training. The biscotti damn hard so difficult to cut and the thickness need to remain the same. My chef always scold me can u cut it properly? cos when i cut it half way the biscotti turn into crooked shape. haha... XD

  2. REALLY???? OMOMOMOMGEE.... Thank goodness. I thought i was the only one suffering. LOL. Yeala.... need to cut all same size and all very hard somoe. LOL.
    Don worry, my chef also stress when see me cut, in the end she just like aiya cincai la. LOL
